Building my own RPI-based Bartop Arcade Cabinet

Building my own RPI-based Bartop Arcade Cabinet

One of my pet project this summer was to build a bartop arcade cabinet. I had some rpi400 laying around, which are rpi4 imbedded in a keyboard. The idea of always having a keyboard handy for the arcade cabinet sounded like a great feature, and to access it, I had to find a way to easily open the cabinet.

That’s why there’s hinges in from of the control!

All in all, building this was fun, and I decided to use Batocera.linux as the OS. It turn out to be the easiest one and most complete one, as well as the fastest one, based on my tests.

Main goal was to load MAME arcade games (tetris, pac man, Super Street Fighter 2). But I ended up putting Mario Kart N64, and it actually runs pretty good if we set resolution to 640×480 for that game.

There’s still one bug going on with Batocera – after a while we must reboot the Arcade since there seems to be a memory leak somewhere (developers are aware).

In the box, there’s

  • rpi400
  • Old 19 inches 4:3 monitor
  • 2 set of generic dragon arcade USB controllers
  • HDMI to VGA active adapter (powered)
  • power bar outlet (re-wired to a on/off switch in the back)
  • Altec lansing speakers
Arcade Bartop Cabinet (no stickers)

I thought it might be interesting to should you various stages of the build, in case you are looking for some inspirations:

Initial frame
Hinges for the bartop
Stained, ready to assemble!

During the whole configuration, I had a problem. RetroPie was not able to output sound properly, and Batocera was not able to connect to WiFi. It turned out this was caused by an insufficient power in the rpi.

Lesson 1: avoid a USB sound card if you can. It draws a lot of power that can interfere with the Wifi & Bluetooth module (which is what happened to me). If you do that, try to get one that can draw its power from somewhere else. I prefer rely on the HDMI sound output.

Lesson 2: if you use an old monitor, get an Active HDMI to VGA adapter. These adapters will usually include an audio output (which solves above problem). If you use a passive adapter, the chip relies on the power provided by HDMI, which may result in black screen flickers in some games. Using an active adapter fixed the problem for me.

This is a very different topic than what I usually post, but I felt like a good place to share this!

Did you ever build an Arcade cabinet?


Alright folks! If you’ve been playing with the new STARLIMS REST API and tried production mode, perhaps you’ve run into all kind of problems providing the correct SL-API-Signature header. You may wonder “but how do I generate this?” – even following STARLIMS’s c# example may yield unexpected 401 results.

At least, it did for me.

I was able to figure it out by looking at the code that reconstructs the signature on STARLIMS side, and here’s a snippet of code that works in POSTMAN as a pre-request code:

// required for the hash part. You don't need to install anything, it is included in POSTMAN
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");

// get data required for API signature
const dateNow = new Date().toISOString();
// thhis is the API secret found in STARLIMS key management
const privateKey = pm.environment.get('SL-API-secret');
// this is the API access key found in STARLIMS key management
const accessKey = pm.environment.get('SL-API-Auth');
// in my case, I have a {{url}} variable, but this should be the full URL to your API endpoint
const url = pm.environment.get('url') + request.url.substring(8);
const method = request.method;
// I am not using api methods, but if you are, this should be set
const apiMethod = "";

var body = "";
if (pm.request.body.raw){
    body = pm.request.body.raw;

// this is  the reconstruction part - the text used for signature
const signatureBase = `${url}\n${method}\n${accessKey}\n${apiMethod}\n${dateNow}\n${body}`;

// encrype signature
var data = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(signatureBase);
const hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(data, privateKey);
const encodedHash = encodeURIComponent(CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash));

// set global variables used in header
pm.globals.set("SL-API-Timestamp", dateNow);
pm.globals.set("SL-API-Signature", encodedHash);

One point of interest – if it still is not working, and if you can’t figure out why, an undocumented STARLIMS feature is to add this application setting in the web.config to view more info:

<add key="RestApi_LogLevel" value="Debug" />

I hope this helps you use the new REST API provided by STARLIMS!

JMeter + STARLIMS for load testing

JMeter + STARLIMS for load testing

JMeter is a load / stress tool built in Java which allows you to simulate multiple user connections to your system and monitor how the application & hardware response to heavy load.

In STARLIMS, I find it is a very good tool for performance optimization. One can detect redundant calls, chatty pieces of code and identify bottlenecks, even when running with a single user.

As a bonus, Microsoft has a preview version of load tests based on JMeter, which can be integrated to your CI/CD process!

So, in this article, my goal is to help you get started – once setup, it’s very easy to do.

I will proceed with the following assumptions:

  • You know your way around STARLIMS
  • You have some scripting knowledge
  • Your STARLIMS version is 12.1 or + (I leverage the REST API introduced with 12.1. It is possible to do differently, but that will be out of scope)
  • Xfd is the most difficult technology for this. Therefore, that’s what I will tackle. If you are running on HTML, it will be just easier, good for you!

Environment Setup

On your local PC

  • Install Java Runtime – you might have to reboot. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere!
  • Download JMeter and extract it somewhere (remember where!)
  • Make sure you have access to setting up a Manual Proxy. This can be tricky and may require your administrators to enable this for you. What you’ll want is to be able to toggle it like this (don’t enable it just yet! Just verify you can):
Proxy Setup

On your STARLIMS Server

  • Make it available through HTTP. Yes, you have read properly, HTTP. Not HTTPS. I think it can work HTTPS, but I ran into too much problems and found out HTTP is easiest. This is to simplify traffic recording when recording a scenario for re-processing.
  • Create your load users. If you expect to run 100 simultaneous users, then let’s create 100! What I did is create users named LOADUSER001 to LOADUSER250 (so I would have 250 users) and have their password to something silly like #LoadUser001 to #LoadUser250. Like I said – don’t do this if there’s any sensitive data in your system.
  • To help you, here’s a script to generate the users:
:RETURN SubmitToBatch("LoadTestPrep.UserCreator.ASync", { 100 });

:PARAMETERS nNumberOfUsers;
:DEFAULT nNumberOfUsers, 1;

:DECLARE sUserName, sOldPassword, sNewPassword, i, nOrigrec, oNewUser, aUserDetails, pwEncOld, pwEncNew;
resp := "nothing yet";
:FOR i := 1 :TO nNumberOfUsers;	
	oNewUser := CreateUdObject();
	oNewUser:USRNAM := "LOADUSER" + StrZero(i, 4,0);
	oNewUser:FULLNAME := "Load User " + StrZero(i, 4,0);
	oNewUser:JOBDESCRIPTION := "Load Test";
	oNewUser:EMAIL := "user" + StrZero(i,4,0) + "";
	oNewUser:LANGID := "ENG";
	oNewUser:POWERUSER := "Y";
	oNewUser:TREEAUTH := { "L" };
	oNewUser:RASCLIENTID := "Internal";
	oNewUser:DEPTLIST := "Changzhou";
	oNewUser:QUESTION_ID := 1;
    oNewUser:ANSWER := "1234";
    oNewUser:CONFIRMANSWER := "1234";
    oNewUser:PIN := "1234";	
	oNewUser:Id := "UserManagement.newUserModel-" + LimsString(i);
	UsrMes("Processing " + oNewUser:USRNAM);
	resp := ExecFunction("UserManagement.createNewUser", { oNewUser });
	resp := "User " + oNewUser:USRNAM + " does not exist";
	nOrigrec := LSearch("select ORIGREC from USERS where USRNAM = ?", 0, "DATABASE", { oNewUser:USRNAM });
	:IF nOrigrec > 0;
		aUserDetails := {
		pwEncOld := "#LoadUsr" + StrZero(i, 4, 0);
		pwEncNew := "#LoadUser" + StrZero(i, 4, 0);
		ExecFunction("UserManagement.saveUserDetails", { NIL, "USERS", aUserDetails, nOrigrec });
		ExecFunction("Security_Module.ChangePassword", { oNewUser:USRNAM, "NEW", pwEncOld });
		ExecFunction("Security_Module.ChangePassword", { oNewUser:USRNAM, "", pwEncNew });
		resp := ExecFunction("UserManagement.updateHTMLUserSecurityInformation", {NIL,"USERS",{{"PWEXPD",Now():AddYears(100),"D",Now()}},nOrigrec,{}});

UsrMes( "Done" );

You will need to test the above, on my system it worked fine (haha!) but setting password and security is not always working as expected in STARLIMS; so do not despair – just be patient.

  • Edit the web.config file. I will presume you know which one and how to achieve that. You need to change / add the following appSetting to false: <appSetting name="TamperProofCommunication" value="false" />
  • Add Endpoint to Encrypt function. That’s really the tricky part. In both XFD and HTML, STARLIMS “masks” the username and password when putting it in the payload for authentication, to prevent sending in clear text. But this encryption is significant; it is part of .NET and not easily integrated to JMeter… Unless it becomes a REST API endpoint!.
  • So, in a nutshell, the trick is to create a new API Endpoint that receives a string and a key, and call the EncryptData(text, key) function, and return the encrypted string. I will not stress it enough: do – not – enable – this – on – a -system – with – sensitive – data. And make sure you will only use load testing users. If you do so, you’re fine.

This is the code of the REST API method to expose from STARLIMS:

:PARAMETERS payload;
:DECLARE response;

response := CreateUdObject();
response:StatusCode := Me:HTTP_SUCCESS;
response:Response := CreateUdObject();
:IF payload:IsProperty("text") .and. payload:IsProperty("pw");
    :DECLARE t, p, secret;
    t := limsString(payload:text);
    p := limsString(payload:pw);
    secret := EncryptData(t, p);
    response:Response:message := secret;
    response:Response:message := "Missing data";
    response:StatusCode := 500;

:RETURN response;

Since it gets exposed as a REST API, the concept is that at the beginning of the load test, for every user, we call this with the username and the password to get the encrypted version of each, which allows us to tap into STARLIMS cookie / session mechanism. Magic!

Now, we are kind of ready – assuming you’ve followed along and got everything setup properly and were able to test your API with POSTMAN or something like that. Before moving on, let’s take a look at a typical load test plan in JMeter:

Typical setup for a single scenario

The idea is we want each user (thread) to run in its own “session”. And we want each session to be for a different user. My scenarios always involve a user login into STARLIMS once (to create a session) and the to loop on running the scenario (for example, one scenario could be aboout creating folders, another scenario about entering results, etc.) . I will leave to you the details of the test plans, but the idea is you first need to login the system, then do something.

At the level of the test plan, let’s add user-defined variables – in my case, this is only so I can switch STARLIMS instances later on (I strongly recommend you do that!):

User-defined Variables

Always at the level of the test plan, add a counter:

User Counter

This will be the magic for multiple users. Note the number format – this has to match your user naming convention, otherwise, good luck!

Now, let’s have our user login STARLIMS.

  1. Add a Transaction Controller to the Thread Group. I renamed this one “System Login” – call it what you want.
  2. On your new transaction controller, add a Sampler > HTTP Request, which will be our call to the REST API
HTTP Request – REST API for Encrypt method

As you can see, I did a few more things than just call the API. If we break it down, I have a pre-processor “Initialize User Variables”, a HTTP Header Manager, and a JSON Extractor. Let’s look at each of these.

Pre-processor – Initialize User Variables (Beanshell preprocessor)

This will run before this call is made – every time this call is made! This is where we initialize more variables we can use in the thread.

currentUser = "LOADUSER" + "${un}";
s = "000" + "${un}";
v = s.split("");
s = s.substring(v.length - 4);
currentPw = "#LoadUser" + s;
vars.put("currentUser", currentUser);
vars.put("currentPW", currentPw);
vars.put("startFolderNo", "LT22-000" + "${un}");"Current User: " + currentUser);

This will initialize the currentUser and currentPW variables we can reuse later on. Since this is a pre-processor, it means the request can reference them:

Now, let’s look at the HTTP Header Manager:

HTTP Header Manager – System Login

Pretty simple – if you have STARLIMS 12.1 or +, you just need to get yourself an API key in the RestApi application. Otherwise, this whole part might have to be adjusted according to your prefered way of calling STARLIMS. But, long story short, SL-API-Auth is the header you want, and the value should be your STARLIMS secret API key.

Finally, this API will return something (the encoded string). So we need to store it in yet another variable! Simple enough, we use a post-processor JSON extractor:

JSON Extractor

What did we just do? Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Initialized a user name and password in variables
  2. Constructed a HTTP request with these 2 variables
  3. Called the REST API with our secret STARLIMS key using this request
  4. Parsed the JSON response into another variable

If you have set the thread group to simulate 10 users, then you’ll have LOADUSER001 to LOADUSER010 initialized. This is the pattern to learn. This is what we’ll be doing all along.

Wait. How did you know what to call afterward?

Great question! That’s where the proxy gets into play. Now, we don’t want to go around and guess all the calls, and, although I like Fiddler, I think it would be very complicated to use.

In a nutshell, this is what we’ll do:

  1. We’ll add a Recording Controller to our Thread Group
    1. Right-click on your Thread Group > Add > Logic Controller > Recording Controller
  2. We’ll add a Test Script Recorder to our Test Plan
    1. Right-click on your Test Plan > Add > Non-Test Elements > HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
    2. Change the Target Controller to your recording Controller above, so you know where the calls will go
  3. We’ll activate the proxy (bye bye internet!)
    1. Open Windows Settings
    2. Look for Proxy
    3. Change Manual Proxy > Use a proxy server to on.
    4. Local Address = http://localhost
    5. Port = 8888
    6. Click Save! I didn’t realize at first there was a save button for this…
  4. We’ll start the Test Script Recorder
Test Script Recorder
  1. We’ll peform our action in STARLIMS
    1. WARNING: A good practice is to change the value of Transaction name in the Recorder Transactions Control as you progress. What I typically do is put SYSTEM_LOGIN while I launch STARLIMS. Then SYSTEM_LOGIN/VALIDATE when I enter credentials, then SYSTEM_LOGIN/OK when I click OK, etc.
    2. If all works well, you should see items being added to your Transaction Recorder.
  2. We’ll stop the Test Script Recorder – just click on the big red Stop
  3. We’ll deactivate the proxy (yay!) – just toggle it off.

You should have something like this in your recorder:

Recorded HTTP Requests

If, like me, you let your Outlook opened, you will have all kind of unrelated HTTP calls. Just select these and delete them. You should be left with something like this:

After 1st cleanup

Now, let’s understand what happened here. We recorded all the calls to STARLIMS. If you wish, you can remove the GetImageById lines – typically, this should not have any performance impact as these should be cached. But heh, that’s your call.

Let’s look at the 1st request:

1st HTTP Request

Interestingly enough, we can see the Protocol is http, and the Server Name is our STARLIMS server. If you created user defined variables, then you can just clean these 2 fields up (make them empty). We can default them at the test plan level (later on). But if you do that, you must do it for all requests! So, let’s not do this (just yet). Let’s leave it as is.

Now, what we want, is to re-run this so we can have actual data to work with and to make our script dynamic. But we need to record all the requests sent and received.

Right-click on your Thread Group > Add > Listener > View Results Tree

I find this listener to be the best for this activity.

Now, let’s run this “as is” clicking the play button


The beauty here is you can get the data sent to STARLIMS as well as the responses, allowing us to understand how everything is connected. Let’s take a look at the Authentication.GetUserInfo – that’s our first challenge:

View Results Tree

If you look at the Request Body, you’ll see your user name (which you used to login), as well as a 2nd very strange parameter that looks like the above highlighted string in kind of pink. Now, when we log into STARLIMS, we must send that string, which, essentially, is the password hash based on the user name (one-way encoding). So the question is: how do we get this? This is where our REST API, which we prepared earlier, comes into play!

Hook user variables to payload

With this, you can do everything now! Well, as far as load testing is concerned, it can at least get you started!

Earlier, I mentioned you shouldn’t leave your Server name / path / protocol in there. Indeed, in my screenshot above, you can see it’s all empty. This is because I added a HTTP Request Default to my test plan:

HTTP Request Default

You’ll also want a HTTP Cookie Manager. This one doesn’t need configuration as far as I know; but it must exist so cookies are carried over.


What?? Conclusion already? But we were just getting started! Well, don’t worry. I have done a little bit more than just that, and I am including it with this post.

You can get a semi-working test plan here.

You will need to figure out a few things, like some of the APIs I use and some forms/scripts that you won’t have. But this should give you a very good overview of how it works and how it is all tied in together.

As a side note, the reason I got involved into this was caused by Microsoft adding JMeter as part of the tools in their load test preview!

Hope you find good use to this!

STARLIMS + Azure Blob containers through SAS

STARLIMS + Azure Blob containers through SAS

Here is a funny story.

Here I was trying, with the infra team, to access my Azure container through SAS. STARLIMS has a built-in Azure container support, but it relies on a connection string with account information and all. But, like most Azure customers, that is not our reality. We use shared containers, so we need a SAS token… Which is not supported to configure as a STARLIMS connection string.

This means that next step will be any other web service consumption instead of direct containers access. Is it complex? Less than I expected!

Step 1: let’s get a SAS token!

Now, finding the said token is not always obvious, but mine looked something like this:


Hopefully, yours too! In the Azure Container tool, look for the “Shared Access Signature”, it’s the same thing.

Step 2 – integrate the Azure API!

Now, how do we put files there? The connection string and tutorials on STARLIMS will not help… But the web services will! All we need to do is write a UploadToAzureBlob procedure and a DownloadFromAzureBlob procedure (both in SSL) and that will do the trick:

:PROCEDURE UploadToAzureBlob;
:PARAMETERS content, fileName;

:DECLARE    sasToken, storageAccount, containerName, method, sampleContent,
            contentLength, requestUri, oWebService, oClient, oRequest, innerRequest,
            stream, resp, encoding;

encoding := LimsNetConnect("", "System.Text.Encoding",, .T.);

sasToken := "yourSASToken";
storageAccount := "yourAccountName";
containerName := "yourContainerName";
blobName := fileName; /* can be something like folder/subfolder/name.ext ;

method := "PUT";
sampleContent := content;
contentLength := encoding:UTF8:GetByteCount(sampleContent);

requestUri := Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(
                        "{storageAccount}", storageAccount),
                        "{containerName}", containerName),
                        "{blobName}", blobName),
                        "{sasToken}", sasToken);

oWebService := WebServices{};
oClient := oWebService:CreateHttpClient();
oRequest := oClient:CreateHttpRequest(requestUri);

oRequest:Method := method;
oRequest:ContentType := "text/plain; charset=UTF-8";
oRequest:ContentLength := contentLength;

innerRequest := DoProc("GetInnerRequest", { oRequest });
innerRequest:Headers:Add("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob");
stream := innerRequest:GetRequestStream();
stream:Write(encoding:UTF8:GetBytes(sampleContent), 0, contentLength);

resp := innerRequest:GetResponse();
:RETURN resp:StatusCode;


And then you create the GetFromAzureBlob to retrieve the file in a similar fashion:

:PROCEDURE GetFromAzureBlob;
:PARAMETERS remoteFile;

:DECLARE    sasToken, storageAccount, containerName, method, sampleContent,
            contentLength, requestUri, oWebService, oClient, oRequest, innerRequest,
            stream, resp, encoding, sTmpFileName;

encoding := LimsNetConnect("", "System.Text.Encoding",, .T.);

sasToken := "yourSAStoken";
storageAccount := "yourAzureAccount";
containerName := "yourAzureContainer";
blobName := remoteFile;

method := "GET";

requestUri := Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(
                        "{storageAccount}", storageAccount),
                        "{containerName}", containerName),
                        "{blobName}", blobName),
                        "{sasToken}", sasToken);

oWebService := WebServices{};
oClient := oWebService:CreateHttpClient();
oRequest := oClient:CreateHttpRequest(requestUri);

oRequest:Method := method;
oRequest:ContentType := "text/plain; charset=UTF-8";
resp := oClient:GetResponse(oRequest);
sTmpFileName := GlbDefaultTempDirectory + CreateGuid() + ".tmp";
:RETURN sTmpFileName;


Step 3- use it

As simple as that, you got yourself an upload and download to azure containers.


As you can see, as usual, this was quite easy! One just needs the correct information. Next step will be to see what more can containers bring to your STARLIMS installation.

Hope this can come in handy sometime to someone!

Identify Server Script Performance Bottlenecks

This week was Abbott Informatics’ APAC Forum. Speaking with old colleagues, I got inspired to try to revive this site for the 4th time (or is it the 5th?).

I’m currently sitting in a performance enhancement session and thinking to myself: heh, that’s NOT how I would go about it (sorry guys!). Silver bullets? Nah.

The first step to improving performances is to identify what is slow (duh!). What are the bottleneck? Why is it slow?

As a STARLIMS developer, I know that oftentimes, the code written in there is not necessarily the most efficient one. Therefore, why not start by monitoring the performances of, let’s say, SSL scripts, which represent the backbone of the business layer?

I’m thinking: why not have a simple tool that will record, like a stop watch, all block of code execution time, and then provide a report I can read? Heck, .NET has a StopWatch class! Hey! STARLIMS IS .Net!

The more I think about it, the more I consider: let’s do it!

How do we do this?

First, let’s create a class. I like classes. I like object-oriented code. I like the way it looks in SSL afterward, and it makes it way easier to scale through inheritance later on. Question is: what should the class do?

Well, thinking out loud, I think I want it to do is something like this:

  1. Start the stop watch
  2. Do something
  3. Monitor event 1
  4. Do something
  5. Monitor event 2
  6. Do something else
  7. Monitor event x
  8. so on and so forth
  9. Provide a readable report of all the event duration

I also want it to count the number of time an event run, and I want to know the AVERAGE time gone in there as well as the TOTAL time this event took.

Now that I know what I want, let’s write the class that will do it (for the sake of this example, I created it in the Utility global SSL category).

:CLASS perfMonitor;

:DECLARE oStopWatch;
:DECLARE nLastCheck;
:DECLARE aEvents;
:DECLARE WriteToLog;

:PROCEDURE Constructor;
:DEFAULT bAutoStart, .T.;
Me:WriteToLog := .F.;
Me:nLastCheck := 0;
Me:aEvents := { {"Event", "Total Duration", "# of calls", "Avg Duration"} };
Me:oStopWatch := LimsNetConnect("System", "System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch");
:IF bAutoStart;
Me:WriteToLog := .T.;

:DEFAULT sMessage, "";
:DECLARE nElapsed, nDuration, i, bNew;
:IF Me:oStopWatch:IsRunning;
	nElapsed := Me:oStopWatch:ElapsedMilliseconds;
	nDuration := nElapsed - Me:nLastCheck;
	:IF Me:WriteToLog;
		UsrMes("Performance Monitor ==> " + LimsString(nDuration) + " ms. Message: " + sMessage);
	Me:nLastCheck := nElapsed;
	bNew := .T.;
	:FOR i := 1 :TO Len(Me:aEvents);
		:IF Me:aEvents[i][1] == sMessage;
			Me:aEvents[i][2] += nDuration;
			Me:aEvents[i][3] += 1;
			Me:aEvents[i][4] := Me:aEvents[i][2] / Me:aEvents[i][3];
			bNew := .F.;
	:IF bNew;
		aAdd(Me:aEvents, { sMessage, nDuration, 1, nDuration });

Me:Monitor("Internal Restart");

Me:Monitor("Internal Stop");

Me:Monitor("Internal Start");

:RETURN BuildString2(Me:aEvents, CRLF, "	");

The above gives us an object we can start, restart, and monitor events (messages). At the end, we use typical ToString() and will have our “report”. Example of using this:

:DECLARE oPerformanceMonitor;
oPerformanceMonitor := CreateUdObject("SGS_Utility.perfMonitor");
lWait(1.3); /* fake doing something that takes time;
oPerformanceMonitor:Monitor('Step 1');
lWait(0.8); /* fake doing something that takes time;
oPerformanceMonitor:Monitor('Step 2');
lWait(1.1); /* fake doing something that takes time;
oPerformanceMonitor:Monitor('Step 3');
lWait(1.45); /* call Step 1 again to generate an aggregate;
oPerformanceMonitor:Monitor('Step 1');
:RETURN oPerformanceMonitor:ToString();

If I run the above, the output will look like

Event	Total Duration	# of calls	Avg Duration
Step 1	2025	2	1012.5
Step 2	1015	1	1015
Step 3	1011	1	1011

I have been using this in many places in our system and it did help me to find the best places to optimize our code. Sometimes, the same insert will run 500 times and will total up to 15 seconds; that is worse than one call that runs only once and take 3 seconds (at least for the end user).

I hope this can help you find the bottlenecks of your SSL code!

c# Take a WebPage Snapshot

Alright, it’s been a while, and this time around, I have something good! I have this situation where I want to take a screenshot programmatically from a web page. Although there are many examples out there for thumbnails, none really matched what I needed. I wanted to provide:

  • A maximum Width
  • A maximum Height
  • URL
  • Header (in case you need a special authentication header)

Turns out that everything was out there, scattered pieces here and bits there.

So I tinkered the whole thing together, and came up with something that works actually quite good! I still have one challenge left though: how can I put that in a DLL I can reuse and not get a threading issue? That is the question.

Here’s the code – pretty much self explanatory.

/// <summary>
/// Take a snapshot of a web page. Image will be truncated to the smallest of 
/// - smallest between rendered width and maximum width
/// - smallest between rendered height and maximum heigth
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webUrl">URL to take a snapshot from</param>
/// <param name="authHeader">Authentication header if needed</param>
/// <param name="maxWidth">Maximum width of the screenshot</param>
/// <param name="maxHeight">Maximum height of the screenshot</param>
/// <param name="output">output image file name</param>
static void WebPageSnapshot(string webUrl, string authHeader, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string output)
    Uri uri = new Uri(webUrl);

    WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser();
    browser.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(maxWidth, maxHeight);
    browser.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;

    browser.Navigate(uri, "", null, authHeader);
    // This is what will make this render completely
    while (browser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
    using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height))
        Point location = webBrowser.Location;
        webBrowser.DrawToBitmap(bitmap, new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, webBrowser.Width, webBrowser.Height));
        bitmap.Save(output, ImageFormat.Png);